They Make Cheese in Nimbin, Don't They?
Price: $29.95They Make Cheese in Nimbin, Don't They?
A family drama that spans decades and explores the unexpected twists and turns that make life worth living...
When Eva moves out to volunteer as a nurse in a hospital during World War II and her husband Peter joins the navy, they escape a war that rages within the family home.
As the country starts to rebuild, Eva and Peter try to fix the fissures that have appeared in their relationship by emigrating to Australia with their two daughters, hoping for a happier life.
Success follows them across the sea to their adopted homeland, but so too do traumas and memories of war-time life.
After Eva settles in Nimbin, a relaxed and alternative town with a celebrated counterculture, discoveries and life-changing surprises show her how things can change so quickly.
“An inspiring tale of immigration, family and life in the small community township… What a wonderful read and a hard book to have end…” Patricia, book reviewer