The Adventures of Euca...A Baby Leaf's Big World
RRP: $24.95
New baby gum leaf, EUCA, lives in an enchanting
Australian ‘ghost gum’ tree with his family.
He is ready to explore and discover the many new wonders about him in his magical home.
Euca meets fascinating wildlife who introduce themselves
to him and teach him lessons about the beauty of nature
and the wonders of the bush that surround him.
Everything in nature is alive and made up of energy and for EUCA,
it is a great time to be a leaf!
*Age recommended 3 to 8 years old
"The perfect family life is full of love, even for a leaf... A wonderful story of life through the view of a young leaf as he sees the entire world about him... Great work..." Alison, Indie Book reviewer
About the Illustrator: M.K. Perring
After traveling all over the world before moving and living in Australia I’ve always had a passion for the creative arts, going straight into film and television for secondary education. After improving my skills for a few years independently, I came across University to advance my skills in filmmaking and Animation. I started working on a personal project on YouTube accumulating over 2.5 million views collectively with a fan base dedicated to my storytelling and character design. Having finished a Bachelor of Animation, I am constantly exposed to creative environments and learning more programs and methods while working in teams to be ready for industry.