PLAYTIME BOOKS is an independent publishing arm of Shawline Publishing Group Pty Ltd
Your complete publication & promotion includes but is not limited to:
* Dedicated professional production team to create your success
* Illustrations or layout of book, to produce the best quality for your readers
* Comprehensive editing & proofing of the text
* Highest Quality professional cover design
* Full print and digital publication to book re-sellers & libraries and schools
* Pre-launch promotion to Australian and New Zealand bookstores & libraries
* Launch press release to national media Agents
* National Podcast interviews and author events online
* Social media marketing boosts and promotions
* Monthly promotional blasts to key readers
* Inclusion in monthly full-page ads in national book retailers’ magazines
* Listing for national school & library access
* Interviews with key media bodies
* Book signings and workshops
* High Royalty payments from sales
* Australian Lending Right Schemes (Elr/Plr) Inclusion